The economic study we need
Shooting is a serious contributor to the Victorian economy, worth up to $2 billion per annum, support jobs and regional economies. We believe the government can justify a broad based economic study, with recommendations to identify investment opportunities
A rarely used but important part of the gun debate revolves around economics. Those opposed to the shooting sports are quick to express their (misguided) views about animal welfare and firearm technology, but rarely if ever challenge the economic benefits the shooting sports bring.
Victoria’s 180,000 licenced shooters spend a lot more money than non-shooters would think. If you want proof, look no further than events such as the SHOT Expo at Melbourne Showgrounds. Why the Showgrounds? – because the event is too big for Jeffs Shed, Melbourne’s largest exhibition hall.
How much is shooting worth?
A desktop study conducted by the Combined Firearms Council of Victoria a few years ago identified the shooting sports were worth nearly $2B to the Victorian economy every year.
That’s around $11,000 per shooter, per year, spent on firearms, safes, travel, accommodation, food, memberships, magazines, insurances, ammunition, specialised clothing, dogs (and related costs), license fees and permit. This supports full time employment in areas where employment opportunities are otherwise scarce. It also generates significant taxation revenue which supports the development of other community assets such as schools, roads and hospitals.
A more recent study by the Game Management Authority into the value of hunting identified it was worth about $439m a year – or just shy of $10,000 per hunter per year.
It’s significant that these two studies came up with broadly similar figures because it goes a long way to making the case out for the Victorian government to obtain better information on the opportunity it has to enhance the economic contribution shooting provides to the state.
Overseas experience
Shooters spend a lot of money doing what they love to do
• UK: In 2006, the UK based Public & Corporate Economic Consultants (PACEC) conducted a
similar study to that conducted by the GMA It found that approximately 480,000 people shoot live quarry, UK shooters spend some £2b each year on goods and services, shooting is worth £1.6b to the UK economy and creates some 70,000 jobs.
The report noted that shooting provided five times the annual income of Britain’s biggest wildlife conservation organisation, the RSPB and that if shooting were stopped, it would severely damage conservation of wildlife and biodiversity in the UK.
• USA: In 1998, a report conducted for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Agency, National Shooting Sports Foundation and others found that the hunting and shooting sports market generated in excess of $30.9 billion of economic activity annually, supporting more than 986,000 jobs.
Request to the Victorian State Government
Earlier this year, the CFCV wrote to the Minister for Sport, the Hon John Eren MP, proposing the government conduct a broad based study into the shooting sports (ie not just hunting). We recommended this be used as a platform for further investigation to identify what level of further government investment into the shooting sports can be publicly justified.
The response did not produce the study we hoped for, however the Minister did make a number of comments we felt were useful.
Firstly, he recognised our commitment to developing and supporting the shooting sports in Victoria. Secondly, he noted the government’s recognition of “the valuable economics benefits of shooting sports in Victoria”. Finally he noted the government’s contribution of $12.5m towards the development of shooting facilities in Victoria (a CFCV initiative co-launched with the government in 2006).
In other words, the Minister’s response appeared to validate the point we made; that shooting provides valuable economic benefits to the state.
Where to from here?
So far there has been only one approach on this matter to the government and more will be needed. However the evidence to support the need for the study is very strong and backed by overseas experience, so we believe it is only a matter of time before the right result is achieved.
Equally important is the need for this study to have measurable outputs for the Victorian shooting community rather than become an academic footnote; this is best achieved if the study is commissioned by the government – but with our input.
As noted earlier, shooting generates significant taxation receipts which are returned to the state which means sponsoring a properly funded study which has the potential to generate even greater taxation receipts is a simple decision to justify (taking the GMA’s figure of $439m figure above means taxation receipts over $40m).
We believe the study should:
• identify the economic benefits of the shooting sports to the Victorian economy;
• identify the optional level(s) and type(s) of government support needed to grow the shooting sports for the long term benefit of the state; and
• develop implementation options for consideration by government.
We will be providing a copy of this article to most state MPs for their consideration. This will provide both sides of parliament with the opportunity to consider the development of a study, in their policy platforms ahead of the next state election in 2018.