Video 7: Victorian licence fees

We have a quick look at our licence fees and the risk of the government trying on a massive fee hike when our Firearm Regulations are re-made later this year.

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MEDIA RELEASE: Fingerprinting, an unfair burden on shooters

MEDIA RELEASE: This is what we put out this evening

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Why we’re taking Victoria Police to VCAT

Every now and again there’s a great opportunity for shooters join an important fight for the future of the shooting sports. 

We’ve just found the next one.

Through a series of FOI requests on the Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation and Victoria Police, we are now preparing to take action in VCAT against an underhanded move by Victoria Police to change our gun laws – while using questionable FOI exemptions to keep us in the dark.

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Not familiar with our work?

Many of you who follow us online know what we’ve been up to – but many others may not.

So here’s a summary for those of you who are less familiar with our work, of what we’ve been doing over the past few months. Read more »