Video2: The 2017 Victorian duck hunting season

This year’s duck season is now underway, and the unwashed continue to protest.

Enjoy it. .. and if you aren’t a duck hunter, why not find out more? You might find you’d like to take it up!

Our first weekly video: let’s scrap our appearance laws

This is the first of what will be short weekly videos on issues of concern. 

The Tasmania Police have shown how open our appearance laws are to abuse.  Let’s not let that happen here: we need to scrap them now!

Don’t miss out: ‘subscribe’ to our page now!

We need to do a more. A lot more.

If you’re concerned shooting organisations aren’t doing enough to protect the shooting sports, then don’t blame them.

Blame us. Read more »

A really soft cop: Why Victoria Police threatened Adam’s licence

We know there are some really good cops out there, but there are also some who shouldn’t be wearing their uniforms. 

This is a story about how a shooter was threatened with the loss of his shooter’s licence simply for telling them what they should be doing – catching criminals. Read more »