Video blog: Adler – what’s next?

In this video we ask, where will it stop?

As we post this video, we’re working through the “other” changes to the NFA which or government have now approved. We’ll have more to say on this in the next few days.

Whether the ministers were aware that the updated NFA wasn’t just about lever-action shotguns, isn’t known. We suspect they weren’t.

Get ready for more fights.  If you’d like to come to our industry wide forum in early April to hear what our major shooting organisations will be doing about it, then click here to get your ticket now.

ANTIQUES: why register something which isn’t dangerous?

Dr Malcolm McKay, Secretary of the Antique & Historical Arms Collectors Guild of Victoria, has kindly submitted this piece on the registration of multi-shot antique firearms which were previously exempted from registration. Read more »

Get back in your box, Minister: Tasmania Police

Tasmania’s police minister, Rene Hidding, has clarified how his state’s appearance laws are to  be administered.  His regulator, the Tasmania Police, has decided otherwise. 

If Minister Hidding wants to be seen as being in charge of his portfolio, then he needs to put the Tasmania Police back in their place as a servant, rather than master, of the state. Read more »

Our latest video: why we support pro-shooting candidates

In our latest video, we explain that we support candidates as individuals rather than the parties they represent