Why is VicPol raiding our gun dealers and security businesses?

A few months ago, The Age ran a story about a security business owner, Michael Sloan, who had 16 rifles and a shotgun which our Licensing Regulation Division of Victoria police claimed it had seized. 

Except that Michael had them.  It was another problem with the database. Read more »

State Government moves to reclassify lever-action shotguns

The opposition has kindly drawn our attention to a bill in state parliament which contains some changes to our Firearms Act, namely:
1. reclassification of lever-action shotguns, as per the fight over the NFA last year;
2. removal of addresses from our licences (which we were anticipating); and
3. change of definition of firearm trafficking to 2 or more unregistered firearms.
The opposition has requested advice from us on this by next Monday. Fortunately we have an executive meeting this week, so will be responding.
If you’re interested in checking the bill and associated explanatory memorandum yourself, feel free to check them out by clicking this link.  The changes are at Part 6 of the bill.

Our election wish list: the efficiency review of our registry

With the Victorian State Election now less than 5 months away, the CFCV has issued an election wish list to the major parties. 

At the top of this list is an ‘efficiency review’ of our firearms registry.

Read more »

New donation laws: How our political parties want to line their pockets with our money

The Government has introduced legislation to change radically Victoria’s electoral laws. 

This Bill has been passed already by the Legislative Assembly and is scheduled to be debated by the Legislative Council next week. 

If the Bill is passed, taxpayers will do what politicians ought to do themselves: finance the campaigns for them to keep their jobs, get a job or get a better job.  Read more »